Arduino-Based Sensors Offer High Accuracy in Measuring Pendulum Velocity
Journal Title : Design of An Automatic Pendulum Velocity Measuring Device Using Light Sensors Author : Rima Fitria Adiati , Astridea Salwa Haniyah , Agus Kartono , Heriyanto Syafutra Researchers have successfully developed an automatic pendulum velocity measurement system using LDR sensors and Arduino technology, achieving an impressive 97.86% accuracy at …
New Model Sheds Light on Alzheimer’s Treatment Duration and Effectiveness
Journal Title : Development of Aβ and anti-Aβ dynamics models for Alzheimer’s disease Author : Cindyawati Cindyawati, Faozan Ahmad, Hendradi Hardhienata, Agus Kartono A recent computational study has developed a mathematical model to better understand how Alzheimer’s disease progresses and how anti-Aβ drug therapy interacts with …